You need a library card to borrow items from the Library. Library cards are free and anyone can get a Sandusky Library card! Library Card Sign Up is located at the Main Circulation Desk or at the Children’s Services Desk.
You will need a photo ID and proof of your current address to apply. A Parent or Legal Guardian must be present at the Library with children (under 18) who are applying for a card. Parents/Guardians are required to sign for the card.
Your library card is like your credit card. You are responsible for anything borrowed with your card. If you lose your card, tell staff right away.
When you first get your library card, you will be limited to five (5) items checked out on your library card until it has been verified. It takes approximately 12 weeks to verify your card.
We value your right to confidential library records, therefore, we will only release account information to you (including over the phone or via email) if you have the card number or can verify your identity as the cardholder. This includes parents wishing to see a child’s record.
Can’t make it to the Library right now? Click Here to apply for a Sandusky Library eCard and enjoy access to all of our eMedia and databases. When you’re ready, stop in to the Library and change your card over to a physical card to get full access to all Library materials.